In technical industries, no one has time for anything other than top-shelf content.

Create engaging, intelligent content at the speed of business with a writer dedicated to technical.

You know the stakes are high.

You know the engineers, analysts, policymakers, and developers you coordinate with are tired of the fluff that the internet tells you to produce.

You want to work with  someone who gets the science and who can be a bridge between experts, customers, and stakeholders without slowing you down.

As a former scientist with two decades of experience in technical writing, I can help you attract new customers and convert leads by building trust with content that communicates your authority.

Why prioritize content?

Because high-quality, truly useful, engaging content means your readers are more interested in what you have to say and in your solutions.

It also means they spend more time on page, raising your SEO ranking and increasing the likelihood of high-intent traffic. Boring or badly written content only convinces people to look elsewhere. 

Thoughtful, insightful, substantive content is linked to more often, shared more frequently, and moves more people to action—improving your search rankings and helping you connect with higher-quality leads.

Done with fluff and filler?

One of the biggest struggles in running a technical business is finding skilled people who can come onboard and contribute right away. Molly had the experience and skill to create what users want and the technical background to understand the value of the product. She was able to
quickly assess what we needed for our print and online materials and create it, interfacing easily with other team members as needed. Her diversity of skills as a documentation expert, PR specialist, and copywriter was particularly helpful. Being able to hand off so many types of writing projects to a single contributor meant I had a turnkey solution for all my writing needs and could concentrate on the 1000 other issues a CEO faces every day.

Catherine Ruggles 
Founder/CEO, Orlin Research Inc

About Molly

A quick overview of my 20 years of science and writing experience
(Let’s just hit the highlights, because no one wants to scroll forever)

Energy and the Environment

  • M.S. in hydrogeochemistry (aka groundwater quality) at UC Davis
  • Thesis research topic: electrochemistry (aka the relationship between chemical reactions and electrical energy / aka storage)
  • Two years as a research scientist at the US Geological Survey studying ways to prevent nuclear waste from infiltrating groundwater (Shout out to my project chief, Jim Davis, who went on to do even more great work at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
  • Editor for funding proposals and stakeholder reports on grid modernization strategies for EnerNex about projects in Hawaii, California, Ohio, and Central Asia
  • Author of industry news articles on energy storage, efficiency, and EV infrastructure for Mortenson and industry marketing agencies (ooh, so mysterious!)
  • Author of research science journal articles (Anyone for some light Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta? No one?)

Technical Communications for All Ages and Subjects

  • Author and editor of dozens of essays and hundreds of test questions for Sikana, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and Pearson on science, English, math, and social studies for grades 2 through 12 (Working on standardized tests was the best education I could have asked for in how to write accurately for different audiences.)
  • Copyeditor for 30+ books on software for the Pragmatic Programmers and dozens of other non-fiction topics at various other presses (Prag books are the best, most engaging software books on the market. No, I’m not biased at all.)
  • Technical writer for instructional design/training company for GM, G&K Services, and Norwest Bank (now Wells Fargo—Norwest Bank was my very first technical writing gig! They were very kind to a newbie writer who knew nothing about banking.)
  • Copywriter, technical writer, and editor for Cordant Health Solutions, producing press releases, blog posts, sales sheets and posters, case studies, industry news articles, and newsletters
  • Copywriter for FactRight, writing email campaigns, web pages, white papers, and press releases, as well as editor of 100s of technical reports
  • And so many other projects. Here’s an abridged subject list: toxicology, ornithology, phytopathology and agriculture, filtration devices, small engines, biotechnology, economic theory, counterfeiting and piracy (that one was really fun), chemical waste reduction and reuse, and more

Looking for more than pretty word noise on the internet?